Guaranteed placements in top media sites, no matter what

We help PR and marketing professionals reach a site audience of hundreds of millions with branded content campaigns.

Build your perfect Brandpoint campaign

Connect with your audience through branded content

Secure an average of 1,000 print and online placements

Reach a potential audience of 140-170 million

Target and connect with your specific audience

Leverage social media followers of premium news sites

Control your messaging in regulated industries

Earn section-front promotion on top-tier news and media sites

Drive traffic and engagement for your campaigns

Share a variety of multimedia formats

What we do

We distribute branded content to
the best news sites online.

Want an average of 1,000 media placements?

Media placement services

Guaranteed Media Placement

Earn high-quality placements in online and print publications with sophisticated sponsored content distribution
Guaranteed Media Placement

Guaranteed Traffic

Amplify your Guaranteed Media Placement with valuable web traffic, enhanced targeting and guaranteed placements.
Guaranteed Traffic

Guaranteed Engagement

Increase your Guaranteed Media Placement's mileage and gain valuable content engagement.
Guaranteed Engagement

Section Front Placement

Branded content is promoted online alongside editorial content on section-front pages.
Section-Front Promotion

Content Format Solutions

Our creative services team will help create the perfect content for your brands.
Content Format Solutions

Creative Services

Our content promotion creative team will turn your brand’s story to engaging content.
Content Development

Elevate your
branded campaigns

You want your campaigns to go above & beyond placements and vanity metrics. We agree. Our branded content solutions fit into the top half of the marketing funnel, from awareness to guaranteed engagement and traffic results.

Your expert partner in the PR industry

We strive to consistently evolve and innovate in order to help you launch the best and most effective branded content campaigns. We can’t wait to help you with your next project. 

Are you ready to make something great?

One of our team members will reach out with our pricing details