
Guaranteed media placement

Unisys’s product, Digi-Pet™ enables airlines around the world to provide a streamlined and stress-free pet transport for their customers and their pets. Pet transport is a topic that has received much attention of late, as it seems every major news organization has shared a story about the importance of pet safety.   

While promoting Digi-Pet™, Unisys wanted to stand out above their competition in the digital space.

Unisys and Brandpoint worked together to create a MAT Release article featuring tips on pet safety to educate their audiences. This strategic content was distributed on Brandpoint’s industry-leading distribution network. 

In development for a segment that focused on pet safety in transportation specifically, a Today Show producer contacted a representative from Unisys to discuss Digi-Pet™ being featured on their show segment after seeing the article Brandpoint produced on a major online news publication.   

site audience reach in 10 US DMA regions

media site audience reach

feature segment on The Today Show

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